
Monday, December 26, 2011

manajemen listrik rumah

Tahukah anda bagaimana cara kerja nya alat penghemat listrik(pln) yang biasa beredar dipasaran yang berbentuk mirip aki kering dengan colokan ke stopkontak?.Sebenarnya anda bisa membuat sendiri alat tersebut dengan kualitas jauh lebih baik dgn harga jauh lebih murah.
Karena cara kerjanya hanyalah mengurangi besaran cosinus dari kurva arus AC yang akan terbaca pada alat pengukur kilometer.alat tersebut bekerja jika ada beban AC melintas melalui sensor berupa kumparan kawat untuk mengukur besarnya arus AC yg sedang melewatinya..teori ekstrimnya adalah: bagaimana caranya agar kita mereduksi sebesar mungkin puncak (peak) dari besaran kurva AC (sinus-cosinus)agar terbaca sedemikian rendah.
komponen yg sangat berpengaruh dalam arus AC adalah capasitor dan induktor..maka dari itu kita perlu memfilter arus ac tersebut sebelum memasuki jaringan listrik dirumah kita..entah cara ini diperbolehkan atau dilarang pln..jelas kita tidak melakukan tindakan pencurian listrik..dan alat ini tidak akan terdeteksi oleh perangkat mereka.Cara pemasangannya adalah sebagai berikut:disini saya akan menyertakan skema rangkaiannya yang nantinya akan dipasang dekat dengan kilometer.semakin dekat ,semakin optimal cara kerjanya.gunakan kapasitor berkualitas bagus ,untuk keamanan,MCB disini untuk mencegah terjadinya korsleting akibat kerusakan pada kapasitor.masukan pada kotak atau box plastik yg cukup kuat.lebih baik kapasitor di cor dengan gip’s atau semen,agar daya panasnya terbuang dengan baik.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Manajemen Gejolak Alam

Jembatan Kutai, runtuh .........................
Sindoro, menggeliat ...............................

Saturday, December 3, 2011

UN lagi, lagi2 UN

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan telah merilis, Rabu (30/11/2011), UN 2012 untuk tingkat SMA/MA akan digelar pada 16-19 April 2012. Sementara UN susulan akan dilaksanakan 23-16 April 2012.

Untuk jenjang SMP/MTs dan SMPLB, UN akan dilaksanakan pada 23-26 April 2012 dan UN susulan berlangsung pada 30 April-4 Mei 2012.

Adapun, untuk jenjang SD/MI/SDLB UN akan digelar pada 7-9 Mei 2012 dan UN susulan akan dilaksanakan pada 14-16 Mei 2012.

Pengumuman hasil UN tingkat SMA/MA dan SMK akan diumumkan pada 24 Mei 2012. Tingkat SMP/MTs, SMPLB, dan SMALB pada 2 Juni 2012, sedangkan untuk pengumuman kelulusan UN tingkat SD menjadi kewenangan setiap provinsi.

Dalam jumpa pers kemarin, Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Mendikbud) Mohammad Nuh menegaskan, Ujian Nasional (UN) 2012 tetap akan digelar. Kritik dan pandangan yang disampaikan sejumlah pihak terhadap pelaksanaan UN, menurut dia, tidak perlu diperdebatkan lagi. Ia mengungkapkan, hal yang lebih substansial untuk didiskusikan adalah bagaimana agar pelaksanaan UN berjalan lebih baik.

Jadwal Ujian Nasional 2012

Saya ulangi sekali lagi, inilah jadwal Ujian Nasional 2012 yang akan dilaksanakan mulai April 2012. Waktu yang relatif singkat untuk mempersiapkan anak didik kita agar siap dari segala sisi.
No.Jenjang PendidikanUjian UtamaUjian SusulanPenentuan Kelulusan
1SMA/MA dan SMK16 – 19 April 201223 – 26 April 201224 Mei 2012
2SMP/MTs dan SMPLB23 – 26 April 201230 April – 4 Mei 201202 Juni 2012
3SD/MI dan SDLB07 – 09 Mei 201214 – 16 Mei 2912Kewenangan Provinsi
POS UN 2012 ada di sini:

Kisi-kisi soal nya:

Hasil Diskusinya :

Lebih lanjut lihat saja di sini:

Thursday, July 21, 2011



Mengubah paradigma pendidikan di Indonesia,

Dari pembelajaran berpusat pada siswa  menjadi 
Pembelajaran sesuai kebutuhan guru, paraaaaaaaaaaaaah.



Istilah mirip Partai:

Saturday, May 28, 2011


50 cc 

Vespa 50 N (small engine door) Vespa 50 N (pintu mesin kecil) V5A1T 10001-92876 V5A1T 10.001-92.876 1963-1965 1963-1965
Vespa 50 N (unified model) Vespa 50 N (unified model) V5A1T 92877-190977 V5A1T 92.877-190.977 1965-1967 1965-1967
Vespa 50 N (long wheel base) Vespa 50 N (panjang wheel base) V5A1T 200001-283299 V5A1T 200.001-283.299 1967-1971 1967-1971
Vespa 50 L Vespa 50 L V5A1T 500001-530972 V5A1T 500.001-530.972 1966-1967 1966-1967
Vespa 50 L (long wheel base) Vespa 50 L (panjang wheel base) V5A1T 540001-637063 V5A1T 540.001-637.063 1967-1970 1967-1970
Vespa 50 R Vespa 50 R V5A1T 700001-893568 V5A1T 700.001-893.568 1969-1971 1969-1971
Vespa 50 Special Vespa 50 Special V5A2T 1001-96013 V5A2T 1.001-96.013 1969-1972 1969-1972

V5B1T 1001-95671 V5B1T 1.001-95.671 1972-1975 1972-1975
Vespa 50 Special (4-speed) Vespa 50 Special (4-speed) V5B3T 1101-97624 V5B3T 1.101-97.624 1975-1976 1975-1976
Vespa 50 Special Elestart Vespa 50 Special Elestart V5A3T 1001-5708 V5A3T 1.001-5.708 1969-1972 1969-1972

V5B2T 1001-3667 V5B2T 1.001-3.667 1972-1975 1972-1975
Vespa 50 Special Elestart (4-speed) Vespa 50 Special Elestart (4-speed) V5B4T 1101-1533 V5B4T 1101-1533 1975-1976 1975-1976
Vespa 50 Super Sprint (SS) Vespa 50 Super Sprint (SS) V5SS1T 1001-3525 V5SS1T 1.001-3.525 1965-1971 1965-1971
Vespa 50 S Vespa 50 S V5SA1T 1101-15324 V5SA1T 1.101-15.324 1963-1966 1963-1966
Vespa 50 S (unified model) Vespa 50 S (unified model) V5SA1T 15325-31000 V5SA1T 15.325-31.000 1966-1968 1966-1968
Vespa 50 S (long wheel base) Vespa 50 S (panjang wheel base) V5SA1T 31001-69601 V5SA1T 31.001-69.601 1968-1976 1968-1976
90 cc 

Vespa 90 Vespa 90 V9A1T 1001-25000 V9A1T 1.001-25.000 1963-1967 1963-1967

V9A1T 25001-28382 V9A1T 25.001-28.382 1967 1967

V9A1T 28383-52905 V9A1T 28.383-52.905 1968-1981 1968-1981
Vespa 90 Super Sprint (SS) Vespa 90 Super Sprint (SS) V9SS1T 1001-6309 V9SS1T 1.001-6.309 1965-1971 1965-1971

V9SS2T 7001-7360 V9SS2T 7.001-7.360 1971-1974 1971-1974

100 cc 

 Vespa 100 Sport                                      V9B1T                                     1978-1984 1978-1984

98 cc

Vespa 98 (I) Vespa 98 (I) 1001-2484 1001-2484 1946 1946
Vespa 98 (II - III) Vespa 98 (II - III) 2485- 2485 -- 1946-1947 1946-1947
Vespa 98 (IV) Vespa 98 (IV) V98.01-V98.18079 V98.01-V98.18079 1947 1947

125 cc 

V1 / V15 V1 / V15 V1T.01-V15T.104096 V1T.01-V15T.104096 1948-1950 1948-1950
V30 / V33 V30 / V33 V30T.104097-V33T.251820 V30T.104097-V33T.251820 1951-1952 1951-1952
VM1 VM1 VM1T 01001-085870 VM1T 01.001-085.870 1953 1953
Vespa " Utilitaria " Vespa "Utilitaria" VU1T 1001-7001 VU1T 1.001-7.001 1953 1953
VM2 VM2 VM2T 085871-0100619 VM2T 085.871-0.100.619 1954 1954
VN1 VN1 VN1T 01001-050100 VN1T 01.001-050.100 1955 1955
VN2 VN2 VN2T 050101-0125600 VN2T 050.101-0.125.600 1956-1957 1956-1957
VNA1 VNA1 VNA1T 01001-068031 VNA1T 01.001-068.031 1957-1958 1957-1958
VNA2 VNA2 VNA2T 068032-0116431 VNA2T 068.032-0.116.431 1958-1959 1958-1959
VNB1 VNB1 VNB1T 01001-089850 VNB1T 01.001-089.850 1959-1961 1959-1961
VNB2 VNB2 VNB2T 01001-034699 VNB2T 01.001-034.699 1961 1961
VNB3 VNB3 VNB3T 034700-090395 VNB3T 034.700-090.395 1961-1962 1961-1962
VNB4 VNB4 VNB4T 090396-0136485 VNB4T 090.396-0.136.485 1962-1963 1962-1963
VNB5 (4-speed) VNB5 (4-speed) VNB5T 01001-043240 VNB5T 01.001-043.240 1963-1964 1963-1964
VNB6 (4-speed) VNB6 (4-speed) VNB6T 01001-037028 VNB6T 01.001-037.028 1964-1966 1964-1966
Vespa Super Vespa Super VNC1T 01001-025146 VNC1T 01.001-025.146 1965-1969 1965-1969
Vespa Gran Turismo (GT) Vespa Gran Turismo (GT) VNL2T 30001-81582 VNL2T 30.001-81.582 1966-1973 1966-1973
Vespa Gran Turismo Rally (GTR) Gran Turismo Vespa Rally (GTR) VNL2T 100001-157788 VNL2T 100.001-157.788 1968-1978 1968-1978
Vespa Turismo Speciale (TS) Vespa Turismo Speciale (TS) VNL3T 1101-29804 VNL3T 1.101-29.804 1978-1979 1978-1979
Vespa 125 (Primavera series I) Vespa 125 (Primavera seri I) VMA1T 01001-018100 VMA1T 01.001-018.100 1965-1967 1965-1967
Vespa 125 Primavera Vespa 125 Primavera VMA2T 020001-0240329 VMA2T 020.001-0.240.329 1967-1983 1967-1983
Vespa ET3 Vespa ET3 VMB1T 1101-148923 VMB1T 1.101-148.923 1976-1990 1976-1990

150 cc

VL1T VL1T VL1T 1001-17000 VL1T 1.001-17.000 1955 1955
VL2T VL2T VL2T 17001-93101 VL2T 17.001-93.101 1955-1956 1955-1956
VL3T VL3T VL3T 63101-132737 VL3T 63.101-132.737 1956-1957 1956-1957
VB1T VB1T VB1T 1001-99700 VB1T 1.001-99.700 1957 1957
VBA1T VBA1T VBA1T 1001-125040 VBA1T 1.001-125.040 1958-1960 1958-1960
VBB1T VBB1T VBB1T 1001-146000 VBB1T 1001-146.000 1960-1962 1960-1962
VBB2T VBB2T VBB2T 146001-280148 VBB2T 146.001-280.148 1962-1967 1962-1967
Vespa Gran Lusso (GL) Vespa Gran lusso (GL) VLA1T 1001-080855 VLA1T 1.001-080.855 1962-1965 1962-1965
Vespa 150 Super Vespa 150 Super VBC1T 1001-554808 VBC1T 1.001-554.808 1966- 1966 --
Vespa Sprint Vespa Sprint VLB1T 01001-125477 VLB1T 01.001-125.477 1965-1974 1965-1974
Vespa Sprint Veloce Vespa Sprint véloce VLB1T 0150001-0368119 VLB1T 0.150.001-0.368.119 1969-1979 1969-1979
Vespa Gran Sport (I) Vespa Gran Sport (I) VS1T 001001-0013300 VS1T 001.001-0.013.300 1955 1955
Vespa Gran Sport (II) Vespa Gran Sport (II) VS2T 0013301-0023310 VS2T 0.013.301-0.023.310 1956 1956
Vespa Gran Sport (II) Vespa Gran Sport (II) VS3T 0023311-0035310 VS3T 0.023.311-0.035.310 1957 1957
Vespa Gran Sport (IV) Vespa Gran Sport (IV) VS4T 0035311-0047350 VS4T 0.035.311-0.047.350 1958 1958
Vespa Gran Sport (V) Vespa Gran Sport (V) VS5T 0047351-00127350 VS5T 0.047.351-00.127.350 1958-1961 1958-1961

160 cc

Vespa 160 Gran Sport (GS) Vespa 160 Gran Sport (GS) VSB1T 1001-61000 VSB1T 1.001-61.000 1962-1964 1962-1964

180 cc

Vespa 180 Super Sport (SS) Vespa 180 Super Sport (SS) VSC1T 001001-0036700 VSC1T 001.001-0.036.700 1965-1968 1965-1968
Vespa 180 Rally Vespa Rally 180 VSD1T 001001-0027495 VSD1T 001.001-0.027.495 1969-1973 1969-1973

200 cc
Vespa 200 Rally Vespa Rally 200            VSE1T 1001-0042275 
VSE1T 1.001-0.042.275

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Vespa Model History
From the very first 98cc model in 1946 to the 2003 Granturismo and the Vespa S in 2007, Piaggio has produced over 144 models, versions and variants of the Vespa (marked by different chassis codes): 144 models that trace the technical evolution of the world's most famous scooter.

By the time the Vespa ET4 was launched in 1996, over 20,000 modifications had been made to the original 1946 product and over 1,500 parts replaced.

It is difficult to pick out the most representative Vespas in an evolution that has lasted over 60+ years. Some Vespas are sought after by collectors because they belong to a special series, or because they were rapidly replaced by subsequent versions, and are highly priced in the period scooter market, which is extremely active all over the world.

Others, which were produced in greater numbers or stayed on the market longer, are classic scooter models that have left their mark in the history of two-wheeled mobility.

There is no lack of authentic technical records in the Vespa's history, each of which renews the tradition of innovation that has marked the evolution of the world's best selling motor scooter.
Vespa 98, 1946 - The first Vespa. It was powered by a 98 cc engine that delivered 3.2 bhp at 4,500 rpm with a top speed of 60 km/h. It was in production for two years: in 1946 vehicles no. 1 to no. 2,464 were produced, and no. 2,465 to no. 18,079 in 1947.
Vespa 125, 1948 - The first Vespa 125 cc. It differed from the 98 not only in engine size, but also for the introduction of rear suspension; the front suspension was also modified.
Vespa 125, 1953 - This marked the first important change to the engine: bore, stroke and timing gear were modified. Power output increased to 5 bhp at 5,000 rpm, and top speed to 75 km/h. The design of the fairing at the rear was also new.
Vespa 125 U, 1953 - The "Utility" version with spartan styling, which sold at 20,000 lire less than the more modern 125. The headlamp appeared high up on the handlebar for the first time in Italy (it had already been introduced on a number of exported models).
Vespa 150 GS, 1955 - Experts called it "the most popular, imitated and remembered model". There were numerous innovations: the 150 cc engine, 4-speed gearbox, standard long saddle, "faired" handlebar-headlamp unit, wheels with 10" tyres. This Vespa could reach 100 km/h. The design also changed, with a much more aerodynamic body.
Vespa 160 GS, 1962 - This was born to continue the market success of the first GS, with a completely new design. The exhaust silencer, carburettor and suspension were also new. The power output was 8.2 bhp at 6,500 rpm.
Vespa 150 GL, 1963 - Another new design for what has been called "one of the best-looking Vespas produced by Piaggio designers". The handlebar, trapezoid headlamp, front mudguard and trimmed-down rear lids were all new.
Vespa 50, 1964 - The first Vespa 50 cc, created to exploit the new Italian Highway Code, which made a number plate obligatory on larger engines. Extremely versatile and reliable, the engine featured a new layout, with the cylinder inclined 45° instead of horizontal. It was the last design to leave Corradino D'Ascanio's drawing board.
Vespa 180 SS, 1965 - It marked a new milestone in the growth of the engine (181.14 cc), with 10 bhp for a top speed of 105 km/h. The 180 SS (Super Sport) replaced the glorious GS 150/160 cc. Piaggio modified the front cowling, making it more aerodynamic and significantly improving comfort, handling and roadholding.
Vespa 125, 1966 - Unofficially known as the "new 125", it featured radical innovations in the design, frame, engine (inclined 45°) and suspension.
Vespa Super Sprint 90, 1966 - A special series derived from the Vespa 50/90 cc and the "new" 125, the hold-all was positioned between the saddle and the handlebar for a more "laid-back" riding style. The handlebar was narrow and low, and the mudguard and cowling were streamlined. With an engine capacity of only 90 cc, it could do 93 km/h.
Vespa 125 Primavera, 1968 - Together with the subsequent PX version, it was the most durable version of the Vespa. It derived from the "new" 125, but with considerable differences in the engine, which raised the top speed by 10 km/h. Great attention was paid to details, which included the classic, practical bag hook.
Vespa 180 Rally, 1968 - With this new vehicle, Piaggio extended the rotary timing fuel feed system to its entire production. The engine was new, the front headlamp new and more powerful, the frame, derived from the Vespa 150 Sprint, narrower and more aerodynamic than that of the Super Sport.
Vespa 50 Elestart, 1970 - It featured the great novelty of electric ignition, but the design was also completely revised and embellished compared to the 50 Special.
Vespa 200 Rally, 1972 - The Vespa with the largest engine. This model, with 12.35 bhp at 5,700 rpm, could reach 116 km/h.
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3, 1976 - The name stood for "Electronic 3 intake ports", and included important changes to the engine, which had more power and sparkle. Even the styling was changed from the standard Primavera (which remained in the range).
.Vespa P 125 X, 1978 - The "PX" marked a new step forward in styling (the bodywork was completely redesigned) and performance. The hold-all was positioned behind the cowling. The same year the P 200 E also appeared, which could be equipped with separate lubrication and direction indicators incorporated in the body. Three years later the PX 150 E was launched, with performance halfway between the two models.
Vespa PK 125, 1983 - This replaced the Vespa Primavera (standard and ET3), which remained in production with the "Classic" body for the Japanese market, where it was the best-selling Western two-wheeler vehicle. The styling was new, and the PK body was completely different from that of previous scooters, because the welds of the body no longer overlapped but were integral.
Vespa PK 50, 1983 - Substantially identical to the PK 125, it appeared in two models, PK 50 and PK 50 S, both with 4-speed gearbox and electronic ignition.

Vespa PK 125 Automatic, 1984 - An automatic transmission was introduced on the Vespa, probably the most radical change (at least for the driver) since 1946. The presence of the automatic transmission was emphasised by the absence of the brake pedal, which was replaced by a lever on the left handlebar (which did not have to control the clutch as that was automatic). It was also available with automatic oil-petrol mixer and electric ignition. The following year the Vespa PK 50 Automatic was launched.
Vespa T 5 Pole Position, 1985 - The T 5 was the "extra-sporty" version of the PX series. With a new engine, aluminium cylinder and 5 intake ports, but the design was also new, particularly at the rear and around the front headlamp which incorporated an aggressive dome with a small Plexiglas windscreen. A spoiler was added on the cowling.
Vespa 50 N, 1989 - The changes to the Italian Highway Code meant that 50 cc vehicles were no longer bound by the 1.5 bhp limit, and Piaggio presented a new small Vespa with improved performance (over 2 bhp at 5,000 rpm), and new, smoother styling. A "Speedmatic" automatic version was also launched.
Vespa ET4 125cc, 1996 - The "new generation Vespa" launched on the 50th anniversary. A completely new project, it is the first Vespa ever powered by a 4-stroke engine. The Vespa ET is equipped with a front disk brake and an automatic CVT gearbox.
Vespa ET2 50cc, 1997 - Same as the ET4 125, but with a 50cc 2-stroke catalysed engine.
Vespa ET4 150cc, 1999 - First Piaggio scooter equipped with the new generation 4-stroke Leader engine, now on the 125cc model too.

Vespa ET4 50cc, 2000 - The first small Vespa with a 4-stroke engine, combining lively performance that will make no one regret the 2-stroke with quiet running and the reduction of polluting emissions. Fuel economy is outstanding: the Vespa ET4 50 has the highest range in the 50 cc class, with approx. 500 km on a full tank.
Vespa PX, 2001 - Classic design and unique features such as a four-speed gearbox have made the Vespa PX a cult scooter, a symbol of Italian style everywhere in the world. The 2-stroke 125, 150 and 200cc engines (displacements vary according to markets) with forced air cooling have electronic CDI ignition and electric start with a kick starter. The new PX now sports a powerful stainless steel front disc brake, 200 mm in diameter, guaranteeing prompt, safe and efficient braking. A reliable 150 mm reardrummodulates braking.
Vespa Granturismo 200L and 125L, 2003 - In 2003, the Granturismo made its appearance as the most powerful Vespa ever produced. In 200L and 125L versions, it combines the Vespa's emotional appeal with state-of-the-art technology: this was the first-ever Vespa to have sparkling four-stroke, four-valve, liquid-cooled engines that meet the new Euro2 emissions standards, as well as 12-inch wheels on the 200L and a two-disk brake system. The steel body is a uniquely Vespa touch.
Vespa LX, 2005 - Launched in Rome on 10 May, 2005, the LX is the 139th Vespa in almost 60 years. It is the sublime heir of a truly unique legacy, a designer scooter for those who want a stylish, avant-garde scooter for town use. A "compact" Vespa, the LX replaces the glorious Vespa ET (over 460,000 units sold since 1996). It is available in four modern, environment-friendly displacements: 50cc two and four strokes as well as a 125 and a 150cc four stroke.
Vespa GTS 250 i.e. - Fifty years after the launch of the Vespa GS (Gran Sport), the first sport scooter in history and still a sought-after treasure for collectors and fans, Vespa GTS 250 i.e. - launched on 25 May 2005 in Portofino - renews the GS blend of speed and style to become the fastest, most powerful and most high-tech Vespa in history.

With an avant-grade, extremely powerful 250cc four-stroke, four-valve electronic injection engine and two disc brakes with an optional ABS and brake servo, the Vespa GTS 250 i.e. was one of the first two-wheelers and the first 250cc to already meet the strict upcoming Euro 3 emissions limits.
Vespa GTS 125 - As of 2007, the Vespa GTS is also available in a 125 cc version. A perfect combination of elegance and performance, the Vespa GTS 125 offers all the class, exclusivity and high technology of the bigger GT scooter, but with a 125 cc engine.
Vespa GTV and LXV, 2006 - Conceived to celebrate an absolute legend in the world of two wheelers, the Vespa LXV and Vespa GTV repeat and re-interpret the most distinctive elements of ‘50s and ‘60s styling in form and function. The Vespa GTV, available with 125 and 250 cc engines, stands out for its headlight mounted on the mudguard just as the original 1946 prototype.
The Vespa LXV, offered with a choice of 50, 125 and 150 cc engines, is inspired by the smooth, essential lines of the Vespas of the 1960s, and features a sleek, minimalist look characterised by open handlebars and a two part seat.
Vespa GT 60°, 250cc, 2006 - This is the gift that Vespa was determined to give its fans to celebrate the company's sixtieth anniversary. With its prestigious materials and exclusive finish, this unique limited edition is made in a series of only 999 units, and is destined to become one of the milestones in Vespa's long history.
Vespa S 50 and 125, 2007 - All the character of the sporty "Vespino" of yesteryear is revived by the brand new Vespa S. This fascinating blend of styles and memories keeps the soul of the youngest and most sporting of all Vespas alive in the present day. The Vespa S inherits its rigorously minimalist looks from legendary models of the 1970s like the 50 Special and Vespa Primavera